Articles from Karin
Each of the following articles presents in article form, a synopsis of material from one of Karin's individual coaching programs, Seminars and group workshops. Click the link to email or call me at 312/301-7466 to discuss one of these timely topics for your personal coaching needs, your group or organization.
All articles are copyrighted ©2005-2013 by Karin S. Syren. Permission is granted to publish these articles electronically or in print, provided all copyright information and bylines are included in tact, all links remaining active, if electronic. The author would appreciate the courtesy of a copy of your publication.
From Our Readers...
The article I liked best was the Birthing of a Dream (Birthing Your Dream). It was something I could apply immediately. It also removes that self-imposed doubt that creeps in when things get difficult. The explanation of Romans 12:2 is freeing. The analogy of birthing a baby and all that entails is so appropriate and insightful. With a baby it is easier because we have a general idea of the time frame, and if we approach our dreams with the same inevitability of occurrence, we would probably achieve them much quicker. We wouldn't get distracted by the questions because we know it's going to happen. Thanks for all the good and insightful information.
S. Linden Consultant Roselle IL
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Maintaining People Place Organizations
Keeping Proven Performers on the Team Karin Syren, CTACC
Tip #1 - Proper Placement
There is no limit to what a man can do Or where he can go if he doesn't mind Who gets the credit. Ronald Reagan
Utilize your existing personnel resources. Be aware of the experience, skills and ambitions of your current employees. Don't make the mistake of being an ivory tower leader. Get out and mingle with your employees. When all is said and done, they are your most valuable resource, often making the difference between the success and failure of the business!
If staff size prohibits personal interaction, make sure that your various supervisory levels interact closely with their direct reports. Institute a communication system to keep yourself in the loop at all times. If monitored correctly, no staff "issue" should ever come as a surprise.
One of the leading causes of discontent among staff is ineffectual placement. Unfortunately, all too often these days, any available body is thrown at a position or a set of responsibilities and it is called "placement." There is no better way for an employer to shoot themselves in the foot, taking down an otherwise productive staff member in the process!
It would appear to be obvious that it is never the responsibility of the staff member to be appropriately placed, but unfortunately it is frequently the employee who pays the far-reaching penalty for this leadership shortfall.
If there are no openings available to rectify an existing misplacement, consider expanding the current responsibilities of valued staff members to allow for their experience. Make use of their know-how in other ways in your organization. Consider implementing a monitoring program and offer the challenge to your trusted employees who have topped out.
Perhaps there is a lateral move to a position that would better fit expanding skills, experience and changing interests. Go to great lengths to utilize your existing resources. It is always the less expensive, more efficient route.
Attrition is costly, far beyond what most companies can absorb. The repercussions are far ranging and it is only now that we are monitoring the effects of the massive layoffs witnessed in recent years that we beginning to understand the implications for all involved.
Know your people. Place them carefully. Monitor their satisfaction and opportunities for growth and contribution, along with their performance. And finally, value them as the incredible resources they are.
Problems cannot be solved at The same level of consciousness That created them. Albert Einstein
Fulfilling Relationships 7 Commonsense Core Elements
Building relationships is complicated business and yet, rather than shy away from them, we continually seek out new ones. Adherence to these seven commonsense core principles will get you started on the road to more fulfilling relationships.
Fulfilling Relationships - 7 Commonsense Core Elements |
Leadership in a Fearful World
We are living in a fearful world. It is a world haunted by the menace of terrorism, threatened by insidious warfare. It is a world plagued by political unrest, economic instability, tsunamis, monster hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, severe drought, famine, raging wildfires. But these often take a back seat to fear right in our own neighborhood streets...
Leadership In A Fearful World |
5 Practical Ways to Make the Most of Your Daydreams
Perhaps you weren't aware there's more than one way to daydream. Daydreams are powerful precursors to the spectacular bursting forth onto the stage of our lives. It's a plain and simple truth that you will never see in reality what you cannot see and create in your own mind. Effective use of the incredible gift of imagination is the key.
5 Practical Ways to Make the Most of Your Daydreams |
Elements of Timeless Leadership
Great leadership is timeless, always in vogue. The world has been hungry for great leaders from time immemorial. In times of chaos and war, environmental and social upheaval, great leaders often emerge pointing the way toward peace. In times of tranquility, calm and prosperity, great leaders have emerged to maintain the systems of order and to challenge apathy...
Elements Of Timeless Leadership |
6 Steps To Effective Management During Change
Leadership revolves around people, concepts and ideas, establishing direction for those who are expected to follow. A Great Leader knows to manage the processes, lead the people, and educate them along the way - commonsense...
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4 Steps Closer to Freedom - Your Juggling Act
If I were to ask you what you are currently juggling, you would probably throw your hands up in the air and perhaps break out in a cold sweat. The question alone often raises stress levels. So let's take a look at how facing that gruesome question can actually be the first step toward reducing stress...
4 Steps Closer To Freedom - Your Juggling Act |
5 Steps to Maintaining Rhythm in Your Life - The Juggling Act
Multi-tasking is not a sustainable answer to the "too much to do and too few to do it problem!" The good news is there is a way to get it all done - efficiently and without undue stress on your mental and emotional resources - juggling! The difference between the two is quite simple, and yet critical to your success...
5 Steps To Maintaining The Rhythm In Your Life |
Juggling Your Way Into Balance - Where We've Been
The 20th century brought with it a wave of altered roles for owmen, resulting in changed and expanded obligations, through which we consistently proved our resilient responses to an inconstant world. In the first of a series of articles dedicated to the unique juggling needs of women, we take a brief look at the journey of American women through the last 100 years...
Juggling Your Way Into Balance - Where We've Been |
7 Tips to Recapture Time
Time management is a universal concern and taking the necessary steps to conquer the issue is often avoided. But since the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time, begin today to win time back into your service - it's been your enemy long enough...
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5 Steps From Clutter To Control
If you sometimes feel overwhelmed, as though you are drowning in clutter and you find yourself avoiding certain areas of your home or business because you've lost control of them, don't give up. There is a practically painless answer...
5 Steps From Clutter To Control |
Birthing Your Dream
Do you believe you are you ready to birth a dream but you're not sure about the process, wondering if you're stepping out too far this time? Will God bless your dream, or is it His dream you're nurturing? Consider the parallels in the natural world...
Birthing Your Dream |