A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit
Arnold Glasow
Client Centered Mastermind Coaching
Karin has always believed that the most valuable coaching responds to what the client determines as the need. Sometimes it's acting as a silent partner, a confidential sounding board, sometimes as a challenger, and yet other times as a consultant, but always as a catalyst to bringing out the best in the individual.
A Coach Training Alliance Certified Coach, Karin sought additional training with Drayton Boylston of The Boylston Group, in Executive Mastermind Coaching, which has equipped Karin to be at the right place at the right time with the right mix of services!
Our goal is to help you mastermind your vision and collaborate with you in putting the process in place to make it a reality!
Call today for an assessment interview - 312/301-7466
Strategic Design/Process Management Working with your leadership team and front line performers, Your vision will unfold designed to fit your culture.
Assessment We will coach you in strategic design to help you maximize your systems, facilitate work flow, & increase productivity
Leadership Development Personalized leadership training for new leaders, Programs for borderline managers Leadership retention
Staffing Executive Becomes Author Karin Syren has been my professional coach and personal mentor for over four years. As a result, I have been able to craft my mission statement, create a vision for each project, and focus on my efforts on goal achievement. Throughout the process Karin has held me accountable for my accomplishments while providing the encouragement for my successes. Her process has been extremely valuable as I leave one career to start another. I heartily recommend So-lu'shunz EffectivenessCoaching for anyone looking to reach the next level in his or her life. Barbara Wiles, KY Author, The Journey book series
Coaching for Sensitive Areas:
Leadership Development Orientation Procedures Training Programs Team Building Culture Design Position Design Interview Process Evaluation Procedures Productivity Enhancement Accountability Flow Staff Retention
Contact us...
For a confidential needs assessment consultation or to request further information about our Executive Coaching program, please fill in the form at right and include your specific area of interest or concern.
We will respond within 48 hours of receipt of your request (Monday through Friday).
Day to Day...
Would you like to increase your effectiveness or your team's in the areas of:
- Time management
- Vision development
- Goal setting
- Establishing priorities
- Balancing commitments, or taking it to the next level in these areas,
- Perhaps you need to create or update your leadership plan.
Consider an EffectivenessCoachingTM program designed specifically for the unique needs of your leadership team, individually or in a group or workshop atmosphere. Call today and ask about how we will personalize our programs for you.
Design Coaching
So-lu'shunz Leadership Services & EffectivenessCoaching will collaborate with you to design an environment to foster maximum productivity, creativity and loyalty. We will help you enunciate your vision or simply bring it into clearer focus. Karin will provide leadership coaching, analysis and design, and recommendations for documentation throughout the process.
Take the first step - Call 312/301-7466 today for an on-site consultation!
Not sure what you need.... If you know something's not right, but need some assistance in determining the cause or the cause seems clear but the solution is evasive - Karin will work with your management team to design a solution that is effective as well as consistent with your vision.
Call us today at 312/301-7466 for a 30 minute telephone consultation.
In the meantime... Would you like to increase your effectiveness or that of your team in the areas of time management, vision development, goal setting, establishing priorities, balancing commitments, or perhaps moving to the next level in your leadership walk? Consider an EffectivenessCoachingTM program designed specifically for you or your team, one-on-one or in a workshop atmosphere. Call or email me today and ask about So-lu'shunz EffectivenessCoachingTM custom workshops.
Do your employees need encouragement, direction, or perhaps some guidance in lining up with your organization's vision? Our Workshops page offers samples of our topics, and a great savings event.
Whatever your need, we stand ready to serve you with commonsense solutions! Call us today at 312/301-7466 or fill in the form on this page to schedule your consultation .
So-lu'shunz Leadership Services
Teaching, Speaking, Training, Facilitating Success
Utilizing the EffectivenessCoaching Progam©
312.301.7466 ksyren@solushunz.com